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CNRS Research Director



Audrey obtained her M2 degree in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry in 1999 at University Pierre et Marie Curie as part of the ENS Ulm’s Magistere. She then completed her PhD in Molecular Chemistry in the same university working in the group of Drs F. and E. Rose to the development of pallado-catalyzed functionalization of tricarbonylmanganese arene. Then she joined for 2 years the group of Prof. Dr. F. Diederich at ETH Zürich to investigate polyethynylbutatriene systems.  after coming back to France at University of Strasbourg to work with Drs. J.P. Sauvage and J.P. Collins on the synthesis of polypyridine iridium(III) complexes to study their photophysical properties. She was then hired by CNRS as Chargée de Recherche and joined the Heteroelements and Coordination laboratory (UMR7593) at Ecole Polytechnique to work with Dr. P. Le Floch on the coordination chemistry of heteroatomic ligands. From 2010 she has been conducting her research independently. She was awarded in 2010 with the CNRS Bronze medal. Her current research interests concern the development of P-based ligand systems, the study of their coordination chemistry focusing on abundant metals, and the applications of their complexes for catalysis, optic, or material science.


2012: Habilitation (Université Paris-Sud Orsay
1999-2002 : PhD University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
1998-1999: Master of Science (DEA) in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry in Paris VI
1997-1999: Magistère interuniversitaire de chimie at ENS Ulm (Paris VI, Paris VII, Paris XI)

Research Experience:
2021- : CNRS Director at Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau (Laboratoire de Chimie moléculaire)
2005-2021: CNRS researcher at Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau.
 2004-2005 : Post Doctoral position in « laboratoire de Chimie Organo-Minérale » (université L. Pasteur, Strasbourg)
with Dr. J.-P. Sauvage and Dr. J.-P. Collin.
Theme Synthesis, characterization and photochemical properties of Ir(III) complexes
2002-2004: Post Doctoral position in the “Laboratorium für Organische Chemie” in ETH Zürich with Pr. Dr. F. Diederich.
Theme Synthesis and properties of polyethynylbutatrienes
199-2002: PhD UPMC with highest honour; PhD director : Dr. E. Rose
Title: Tricarbonylmanganese Complexes : first functionnalizations by Pd-catalyzed reactions

CNRS Bronze Medal 2010 

Bachelor program (with Dr. A. Guell)
CHE101 General Chemistry
CHE201 Introduction to reactivity
CHE202 Environement and Energy

3rd year engineer courses
CHI573 Essentials in molecular chemistry (with Drs. C. Tard and G. Nocton)
CHI572 Sustaina
ble chemistry (with Drs. C. Tard and N. Schneider)

M2 degree:

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