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68. Electronic Effects in Phosphino-Iminophosphorane Pd  Complexes upon Varying the N Substituent

I. Popovici, E. Lognon, N. Casaretto, A. Monari,* A. Auffrant* Chem. Eur. J., 2024, 202303350


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67. Phosphinoquinoline supported Co  , Ni  , and Fe  complexes: divergent behaviour upon reduction

P. Schiltz, N. Casaretto, S. Bourcier, A. Auffrant,* C. Gosmini,* Dalton Trans., 2023, 14859-14866. 




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66. Fe  complexes supported by an iminophosphorane ligand: synthesis and reactivity

T. Tannoux, L. Mazaud, T. Cheisson, N. Casaretto, A. Auffrant,* Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 12010-12019.


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65. Phosphonium Ylides vs Iminophosphoranes: The Role of the Coordinating Ylidic Atom in cis-[Phosphine-Ylide Rh(CO)2] Complexes

I. Popovici, C. Barthes, T. Tannoux, C. Duhayon, N. Casaretto, A. Monari,* A. Auffrant,* Y. Canac,* Inorg. Chem., 2023, 62, 2376−2388.

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64. Complexes featuring tridentate iminophosphorane ligands Synthesis, reactivity, and catalysis

T. Tannoux, A. Auffrant*, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2023, 474, 214845.

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63. A cyclic divalent N(I) species isoelectronic to carbodiphosphoranes

J. Tian, Marie Cordier, C. Bour, A. Auffrant,* V. Gandon*, Chem. Commun., 2022, 5741-5744.

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62. Cobalt Complexes supported by Phosphinoquinoline Ligands for the Catalyzed hydrosilylation of Carbonyl Compounds

P. Schiltz, N. Casaretto, A. Auffrant,* C. Gosmini,* Chem. Eur. J., 2022, 28, 32, e202200437.

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61. Dehalogenation and desulfonation from aryl and Alkyl compounds with a cobalt catalyst in the presence of alcohol

B. R. P. Reddy, A. Auffrant,* C. Gosmini,* Asian J. Org. Chem., 2021, 10, 3275-3278.

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60. Reaction of Phosphines with 1-Azido-(2-halogenomethyl)benzene Giving Aminophosphonium-Substituted Indazoles

T. Tannoux, N. Casaretto, S. Bourcier, M. Cordier, V. Gandon,* A. Auffrant,* J. Org. Chem., 2021, 86, 3, 3017–3023. (sur invitation).

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59. Fe   and Fe   Phosphasalen Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Application for 2‐Naphthol Oxidative Coupling

E. Oheix, C. Herrero, J. Moutet, J.-N. Rebilly, M. Cordier, R. Guillot, S. Bourcier, F. Banse,* K. Sénéchal-David,* A. Auffrant*, Chem. Eur. J., 2020, 60, 13634-13643.



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58. Phosphasalen group IV metal complexes: synthesis, characterization and ring opening polymerization of lactide

A. T. Normand, R. Malacea-Kabbara, R. Lapenta, A. Dajnak, P. Richard, H. Cattey, A. Bolley, A. Grassi, S. Milione, A. Auffrant,* S. Dagorne,* Pierre Le Gendre* Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 6989-7004.(couverture)

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57. Tridentate NNN Ligand Associating Amidoquinoline and Iminophosphorane: Synthesis and Coordination to Pd and Ni Centers

L. Mazaud, M. Tricoire, S. Bourcier, M. Cordier, V. Gandon,* A. Auffrant,* Organometallics, 2020, 39, 719-728.

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56. Deciphering preferred geometries of pyridylmethylamines-based complexes: A robust strategy combining NMR, DFT and X-ray

B. Large, M. Meddeb, J. E. H. Pucheta, A. Gaucher, M. Cordier, C. Gosmini, J. Farjon, * A. Auffrant,* D. Prim* Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2019, 498, 119070.

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54. Cobalt-Catalyzed Formation of Functionalized Diarylmethanes from Benzylmesylates and Aryl Halides

B. R. P. Reddy, S. Chowdury, A. Auffrant,* C. Gosmini* Adv. Synth. Catal., 2018, 360, 3026-3029.

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53. Synthesis and Reactivity of Low-Valent f-Element Iodide Complexes with Neutral Iminophosphorane Ligands

T. Cheisson, L. Ricard, F. W.; Heinemann, K. Meyer,* A. Auffrant,* G. Nocton* Inorg. Chem., 2018, 57, 9230-9240.

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52. Cobalt-Catalyzed Formation of 2-Pyridylzinc Reagents and Their Subsequent Coupling

S. Linke, S. M. Manolikakes, A. Auffrant,* C. Gosmini* Synthesis, 2018, 50, 2595-2600.

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51. Phosphasalen vs salen ligands: what does the phosphorus change?

I. Mustieles-Marín, A. Auffrant,* Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2018, 1634-1643. (invitation)

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50. Electronic Structures of Mono-Oxidized Copper and Nickel Phosphasalen Complexes

I. Mustieles-Marín, T. Cheisson, R. Singh Chauhan, C. Herrero, M. Cordier, C. Clavaguéra,* G. Nocton,* A. Auffrant,* Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 17940-17953.

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49. Cobalt-catalyzed reductive cross-coupling between benzyl chlorides and aryl halides

 S. Pal, S. Chowdhury, E. Rozwadowski, A. Auffrant,* C Gosmini*, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2016, 358, 2431-2435.

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48. Palladium(II) complexes featuring a mixed Phosphine-Pyridine-Iminophosphorane pincer ligand : synthesis and reactivity

T. Cheisson, A. Auffrant*, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 2069 - 2078. (invitation)

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46. Cobalt-Catalyzed Electrophilic Cyanation of Arylzinc Halides with N-cyano-N-phenyl-p-methyl-benzenesulfonamide (NCTS)

Y. Cai, X. Qian, A. Rérat, A. Auffrant, C. Gosmini* Adv. Synth. Catal., 2015, 357, 3419-3423. (couverture arrière)

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45. Nickel complexes featuring iminophosphorane-phenoxide ligands for catalytic ethylene dimerization

T. Cheisson, T.-P.-A Cao, X. F. Le Goff, A. Auffrant*, Organometallics, 2014, 33, 6193-6199.

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43. Titanium imido complexes stabilised by bis(iminophosphoranyl)methanide ligands: the influence of N-substituents on solution dynamics and reactivity

A. T. Normand, A. Massard, P. Richard, C. Canovas, C. Balan, M. Picquet, A. Auffrant,* P. Le Gendre,* Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 1491-15246. (couverture)

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42. A Tetracoordinated Phosphasalen Nickel(III) Complex

T.-P.-A. Cao, G. Nocton, L. Ricard, X. F. Le Goff, A Auffrant,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 5, 1368-1372.

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41. Ethylene dimerization catalyzed by mixed phosphine–iminophosphorane nickel(II) complexes: a DFT investigation

V. Tognetti, A. Buchard, A. Auffrant, I. Ciofini, P. Le Floch , C. Adamo,* J. Mol. Modeling, 2013, 19, 5, 2107-2118.

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40. Cobalt-Catalyzed Electrophilic Amination of Arylzincs with N-Chloroamines

X. Qian, Z. Yu, A. Auffrant, C. Gosmini,* Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19, 20, 6225-6229.

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39. Yttrium Phosphasalen Initiators for rac-Lactide Polymerization

C. Bakewell, T.-P.-A. Cao, X. F. Le Goff, N. Long, A. Auffrant,* C. K. Williams,* Organometallics, 2013, 32, 5, 1475-1483.

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38. Yttrium Phosphasalen Initiators for rac-Lactide Polymerization: Excellent Rates and High Iso-Selectivities

C. Bakewell, T.-P.-A. Cao, N. Long, X. F. Le Goff, A. Auffrant,* C. K. Williams,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 51, 20577–20580.

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37. Synthesis and Characterization of Bidentate Rare-Earth Iminophosphorane o-Aryl Complexes and Their Behavior as Catalysts for the Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene

E. Martinez-Arripe, F. Jean-Baptiste-Dit-Dominique, A. Auffrant, X. F. Le Goff, J. Thuilliez, F. Nief,* Organometallics, 2012, 31, 4854-4861.

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36. Phosphasalen Yttrium Complexes: Highly Active and Stereoselective Initiators for Lactide Polymerization

T.-P.-A. Cao, A. Buchard, X. F. Le Goff, A. Auffrant,* C. K. Williams,* Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51, 40, 2157-2169.

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35. Exemples de catalyseurs à ligands iminophosphoranes

A. Auffrant, L’Actualité Chimique,  2012, 359, 13-19.

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34. Cobalt-catalyzed Reductive allylation of alkyl halides with allylic acetates or carbonates

X. Qian, A. Auffrant, A. Felouat, C. Gosmini,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 10402-10405.

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33. Pd(II) and Ni(II) complexes featuring a “phosphasalen” ligand: synthesis and DFT study

T.-P.-A. Cao, S. Labouille, A. Auffrant,* Y. Jean,* X. F. Le Goff, P. Le Floch, Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 10029-10037.

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32. Tridentate and Tetradentate Iminophosphorane-Based Ruthenium Complexes in Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones

H. Dyer, A. Picot, A. Auffrant, L. Vendier, P. Le Floch, S. Sabo-Etienne,* Organometallics, 2011, 30, 1478-1486.

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31. Bis-Phosphorus(V) Stabilized Carbene Complexes

H. Heuclin, M. Fustier, A. Auffrant, N. Mézailles,* Lett.. Org. Chem., 2010, 7, 8, 596-611.

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30. Facile synthesis of bifunctional ligands using LiCH2PPh2=NPh obtained from [PhNH-PPh3+] [Br-].

T.-P.-A. Cao, E. Payet, A. Auffrant,* X. F. Le Goff, P. Le Floch, Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3991-3996.

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29. Iminophosphorane based [P2N2] rhodium complexes: synthesis, reactivity, and application in catalysed transfer hydrogenation of polar bonds

A. Buchard, E. Payet, A. Auffrant,* X. F. Le Goff, P. Le Floch,* New J. Chem., 2010, 34, 2943-2949.

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28. Iminophosphorane Neodymium(III) complexes as efficient initiators for lactide polymerisation

A. Buchard, R. H. Platel, A. Auffrant, X. F. Le Goff, C. K. Williams,* P. Le Floch,* Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2892-2900.

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27. Phosphine- and thiophosphine-amine ligands: lithiation and coordination to Rh(I)

E. Payet, A. Auffrant,* X. F. Le Goff, P. Le Floch,* J. Organomet. Chem., 2010, 695, 1499-1506.

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26. Interplay Between Hydrido/Dihydrogen and Amine/Amido Ligands in Ruthenium Catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones

A. Picot, H. Dyer, A. Buchard, A. Auffrant, L. Vendier, P. Le Floch, S. Sabo-Etienne,* Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49,1310–1312.

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25. First neodymium(III) alkyl-carbene complex based on bis(iminophosphoranyl) ligands

A. Buchard, A. Auffrant, L. Ricard, X. F. Le Goff, R. H. Platel, C. K. Williams, P. Le Floch,* Dalton Trans., 2009, 10219-10222.

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24. Chromium (III)-bis(iminophosphoranyl)methanido complexes: synthesis, X-ray crystal structures and catalytic ethylene oligomerization

C. Klemps, A. Buchard, R. Houdard, A. Auffrant, N. Mézailles, X. F. Le Goff, Louis Ricard, L. Saussine, L. Magna, P. Le Floch,* New J. Chem., 2009, 33, 1748 – 1752.

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23. Coordination of tetradentate X2N2 (X = P, S, O) ligands to iron(II) metal center and catalytic applications in the transfer hydrogenation of ketones

A. Buchard, H. Heuclin, A. Auffrant, X. F. Le Goff and P. Le Floch*, Dalton Trans., 2009, 1659-1667.

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22. Bonding Mode of a Bifunctional P,Si-H ligand in the Ruthenium Complex "Ru(PPh2CH2OSiMe2H)3"

V. Montiel-Palma, O. Piechaczyk, A. Picot, A. Auffrant, L. Vendier, P. Le Floch,* S. Sabo-Etienne*, Inorg. Chem., 2008, 47, 8601-8603.

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20. Bis phosphorus stabilised carbene complexes

T. Cantat, N. Mézailles, A. Auffrant, P. Le Floch*, Dalton Trans., 2008,1957-1972.

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19. Bimetallic Iridium(III) Complexes consisting of Ir(ppy)2 units (ppy : 2-phenyl-pyridine) and two laterally-connected N^N chelates as bridge : synthesis, separation and photophysical properties

A. Auffrant,  A. Barbieri, F. Barigelletti, J. Lacour,* P. Mobian, J.-P. Collin,* J.-P. Sauvage,* B. Ventura, Inorg. Chem, 2007, 46,6911-6919.

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18. Highly efficient P-N nickel(II) complexes for the dimerisation of ethylene

A. Buchard, A. Auffrant, C. Klemps, L. Vu-Do, L. Boubekeur, X. F. Le Goff, P. Le Floch*,  Chem. Commun., 2007, 1502-1504.

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17. A new and convenient approach towards bis (iminophosphoranyl)methane ligands and their dicationic, cationic, anionic and dianionic derivatives

M Demange, L. Boubekeur, A. Auffrant, N. Mézailles, L. Ricard, X. Le Goff , P. Le Floch,* New J. Chem., 2006, 30, 1745-1754.

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16. Dinuclear Iridium(III) Complexes consisting of back-to-back terpy-(Ph)n-terpy bridging ligands (n= 0, 1 or 2) and terminal cyclometallating tridentate N-C-N ligands

A. Auffrant, A. Barbieri, F. Barigelletti,* J.-P. Collin,* L. Flamigni, C. Sabatini, J.-P. Sauvage, Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 10990-10997.

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15. Nitrogen-Assisted Ortho Lithiation: One-Pot Synthesis of New Classes of Bidentate and Tetradentate Mixed P~N Ligands

L. Boubekeur, L. Ricard, N. Mézailles, M. Demange, A. Auffrant, P. Le Floch*, Organometallics, 2006, 25, 3091-3094.

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14. Synthesis of 1,4-diethynyl and 1,1,4,4-tetraethynylbutatrienes

A. Auffrant, F. Diederich,* C. Boudon, J.-P. Gisselbrecht, M. Gross, Helv. Chim. Acta, 2004, 87 ,12, 3085-3105.

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13.Cationic (η -arene)manganese linked to neutral (η -arene)tricarbonylchromium complexes

S. Schouteeten, J.-P. Tranchier, F. Rose-Munch,* E. Rose,* A. Auffrant, G. R. Stephenson,  Organometallics, 2004, 23, 18, 4308-4316.



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12. Peralkynylated buta-1,2,3-trienes: exceptionally low rotational barriers of cumulenic C=C bonds in the range of those of peptide C–N bonds

A. Auffrant, B. Jaun,* P. D. Jarowski, K. N. Houk,* F. Diederich*, Chem. Eur. J., 2004, 10, 2906-2911.

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11. Synthesis of tricarbonyl η - and η -[(3-thiophenyl)organochromium and –manganese complexes

D. Prim, J. Giner-Planas, A. Auffrant, F. Rose-Munch,* E. Rose, J. Vaissermann, J. Organomet. Chem., 2003, 688, 273-279.



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10. Synthesis, characterisation of (arene)tricarbonylchromium complexes linked to cationic Fe and Ru derivatives and studies of first hyperpolarisabilities by Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering

M. H. Garcia,* S. Royer, M. P. Robalo,* A. R. Dias, J.-P. Tranchier, R. Chavignon, D. Prim, A. Auffrant, F. Rose-Munch, E. Rose,* J. Vaissermann, A. Perssons, I. Asselberghs, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 2003, 3895-3904.

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9. Palladium-catalyzed chloride substitution of η -(chlorocyclohexadienyl)Mn(CO)3 complexes: an access to novel η -(arene)Mn(CO)3+ cations.

A. Auffrant, D. Prim, F. Rose-Munch,* E. Rose, S. Schouteeten, J. Vaissermann,  Organometallics, 2003, 22, 1898-1913.



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8. Selective access to electron donating group substituted (η -cyclohexadienyl)Mn(CO)3 complexes by bimetallic manganese-palladium activation.

A. Auffrant, D. Prim, F. Rose-Munch,* E. Rose,* J. Vaissermann, Organometallics, 2002, 21, 3500-3502.


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7. Preparation of new (η -arene)Mn(CO)3+ complexes involving Pd-catalysed/exo-hydride abstraction sequence.

A. Auffrant, D. Prim, F. Rose-Munch, E. Rose*, C.R. Chimie, 2002, 5, 137-141.


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6. First synthesis of cationic [(η -arene)Mn(CO)3] complexes substituted by resonance withdrawing groups.

A. Auffrant, D. Prim, F. Rose-Munch, E. Rose,* J. Vaissermann, Organometallics, 2001, 20, 3214-3216.


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5. (η -halogenocyclohexadienyl)Mn(CO)3 complexes : halogen substitution by arene derivatives.

D. Prim, A. Auffrant, F. Rose-Munch, E. Rose,* J. Vaissermann, Organometallics, 2001, 20, 1901-1903.


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4. Organochromium/organoiron dipoles comprising (η -arene)chromium and (η -cyclohexadienyl)iron(1+) complexes linked with conjugated spacers

J.-P. Tranchier, R. Chavignon, D. Prim, A. Auffrant, J. Giner-Planas, F. Rose-Munch, E. Rose,* G. R. Stephenson*, Tetrahedron. Lett., 42, 2001, 3311-3313.



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3. Bimetallic П-conjugated complexes modulated by a carbonyl spacer : synthesis of arene tricarbonylchromium-ferrocene derivatives.

D. Prim, A. Auffrant, Z. F. Plyta, J.-P Tranchier, F. Rose-Munch,* E. Rose, J. Organomet. Chem., 2001, 624, 124-130.

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2. Synthesis of nitrile ligands bearing tricarbonyl(η -arene)chromium complexes and conjugated spacers

J.-P. Tranchier, R. Chavignon, D. Prim, A. Auffrant, Z. F. Plyta, F. Rose-Munch, E. Rose*, Tetrahedron Lett., 41, 2000, 2607-2610.


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1. Addition of aryl substituents to cyclohexadienyliron electrophiles in the development of routes to C12 building blocks for alkaloid synthesis.


A. V. Malkov, A. Auffrant, C. Renard, E. Rose, F. Rose-Munch, D. A. Owen, E. J. Sandoe, G. R. Stephenson*, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 296, 1999, 139-149.

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